After so long. Hmmm..
Karine and MinYee played badminton like siao gina kias nia.
The bet was, if MY lose, she'll have to go to koperasi and asked for an underwear.
That was quite easy actually. But this MY, as always, a chicken, don't dare.
So she asked Rashinie to take her place. And Rashinie won. Equals MY won.
And now I'm her "property". Wtf betul.
Oh yeah, I finally remembered that Karine, MinYee and I were suppose to play the Yes Game. Just for today.
Oh well, nobody asked anything yet and there's only a few hours left ;D
After recess, nightmare came.
*zips mouth*
I've done the presentation!
I dug out on how to add in the song with the '03 Microsoft Power Point! WHEE!
(I know it's dumb. But hey! I don't use Power Point that often okay).
And is it true that we're gonna speak in front of all the F3, F4 and F5?!
But I think Melor told me that just need to click and show the slides nia.
I'll just hope it's just like that :D
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